V.A.P.E Society was founded on a faith in the Vaping Community, and a belief that many more would participate in defending it, if doing so was less painful, and more fun. V.A.P.E. Society believes that it is only by working collectively, armed with the truth and tools to spread it at scale, can Vaping be saved  and continue to benefit all of Society.

 Message Megaphone:
Digital Democracy in Action


…legislators actually being held accountable, and voting on legislation based on fact, not fear; progress, not puritanism; and the public good, not special interests. Though it may seem like a dream, America used to have a word for it – Democracy.  V.A.P.E. Society believes that even though the process has become increasingly frustrating, America is still a Democracy, and all it will take to to protect Vaper rights, is to loudly and aggressively demand them. The Message Megaphone was conceived to make it as easy as possible for Vapers to do just that: hold legislators accountable by letting them know that the millions of Vapers nationwide are not only Aware, Educated, and Actively demanding their rights be respected, but are very well-prepared to defend their rights to any legislative body, even when legislators may not want to listen.

Testimony Builder:
Participate: Make An Impact.

What if…

…there was a way to take the guesswork and fear out of participating in public hearings? V.A.P.E. Society can help accomplish this with the Testimony builder. Much like the Message Megaphone, the Testimony Builder can help Society Members prepare testimony by offering to use information already provided in a testimony template, to build a custom testimony, making participation in a public hearing a little more comfortable. Politicians make a living intimidating people; don’t let them drown out your story! V.A.P.E. Society provides the tools to make public speaking a little easier, and strives to give Members the same confidence in a public hearing that they have talking about advocacy in shops.

After Hours Advocacy:
How to beat the system


…one voice is powerless against hard-headed bullies in power; that’s exactly what Vaping is up against, and why laws based on lies continue to pass. No matter how true, full of facts, or flawlessly delivered an individual’s testimony is, if it is limited to only 3 minutes? Legislators with pre-conceived anti-vaping agendas can always reject a single testimony as not comprehensive enough, or, if it’s comprehensive, reject it for not being detailed enough; it is simply impossible for an individual to accomplish both in 3 minutes. This is exactly how legislators dodge accountability during public hearings, and why bad laws harming vaping and the public health continue to pass; with a little collective action however, there would be nowhere to hide.